Hello everyone! Today, I have some exciting news for families, couples, and partners. Our app has been updated with several fantastic features. These new features are sure to make your daily life more fun and convenient.
1. Manage Appointments and Tasks Together
The first update is the addition of a widget that allows you to view and edit appointments and tasks simultaneously. This makes it easier to manage family schedules, share shopping lists between spouses, and plan dates for couples. The widget is customizable, so you can tailor it perfectly to your lifestyle.
2. Adding ‘Location’ to Appointments
Next, we added the ‘Location’ feature, which shows Google Maps for appointments. This is particularly useful for planning family trips or choosing restaurants for anniversaries. Being able to check the location on a map makes the destination clearer.
3. Improved Sorting Function
Furthermore, we added a button that makes using the sorting function easier. This will smooth out schedule adjustments between family members or couples. It becomes instantly clear who is handling which task and which appointments should be prioritized.
4. Addition of Animations
We added fun and beautiful animations to the time-changing dialog. This is sure to delight children! The enjoyment of using the app with the whole family is now doubled.
5. Improved Notification Design
Finally, we improved the design of notifications to make them more readable and easier to understand who sent them. This will further smooth out communication within the family.
These updates are designed to support the daily lives of families and couples, enabling better communication and planning. Please try out the new features! We look forward to your feedback!